
Set Off Another Upsurge Of Renewable Resources Cooperation Between China And ...

2024-01-05 18:05:21

Set Off Another Upsurge Of Renewable Resources Cooperation Between China And Asean Countries

Feb 21, 2020

From December 3 to 5, the "One Belt And One Road" green innovation conference and the 2019 roundtable of the China council for international cooperation on environment and development was held in shenzhen. Vice-minister Zhao Yingmin ecological environment, ecological environment, director-general of the department of international cooperation inspector Song Xiaozhi Guo Jing, level, ecological environment of the CPC committee of the international cooperation and exchange center guo-mei zhou, Li Yonghong, deputy director of the world resources institute, a senior adviser, union advisory committee, director of the committee members, kaohsiung, vice chairman of erik solheim, attended the roundtable series of activities.

During the conference, hosted by the ecological environment of foreign cooperation and exchange center, xiang can holding, han and renewable resources (holdings) co., LTD., zhaoqing dazheng aluminum industry co., LTD., in collaboration with the support of all the way "area" and resource recycling of solid waste management capacity building activities held at the same time, from the ecological environment, ecological environment agency and related units, domestic renewable resources industry in guangdong province, Cambodia, brunei, Laos, Thailand, South Korea, Singapore and other countries environmental protection departments, trade associations relevant staff of about one hundred people attended the event.

At the opening ceremony on the morning of March 3, li yonghong, tan zhiwen, deputy researcher of solid waste and chemicals department of the department of ecological environment of guangdong province, and DEK Vimeanreaksmey, deputy director of the department of environment of Cambodia, delivered speeches respectively. Liu wei, deputy secretary general of the renewable metals branch of China non-ferrous metals industry association, jian li, general manager of dazheng aluminum, Kim zongjun, director of the Korea institute of environmental industry and technology, and Chaiya Boonchit, environmentalist of the pollution control department of the ministry of natural resources and environment of Thailand, delivered keynote speeches respectively. Deng weibin, executive chairman of guangdong green supply chain association, zhang xuewen, secretary general, zhu zhanhong, deputy general manager of hanhe renewable resources and other guests attended the meeting. The opening ceremony was presided over by tang yandong, director of the foreign cooperation and exchange center of the ministry of ecology and environment.

Li Yonghong pointed out in his speech, the Chinese government adhere to the "innovation, harmonious and green, open, sharing" concept of development, vigorously promote the ecological construction, improve the environmental quality, through environmental supervision, discharge permit system, and natural resources assets for examination and approval, and a series of measures, perfect the management system and mechanism, strengthen the responsibility of local government, the atmosphere, water, soil pollution prevention and control of three big plan of action, positive progress has been made in environmental protection work. He further points out that to deal with the problem of domestic environment at the same time, the Chinese government has actively participated in international cooperation, and joined more than 30 ecological environmental conventions and agreements, take the lead in China to carry out the sustainable development agenda country programmes in 2030, pushing forward the construction of the green "area" all the way to solve the problem of global environment, maintaining global ecological security solutions in China.

Tan zhiwen said in his speech that the gathering of guests and representatives from various countries is of great significance to promoting the construction of green "One Belt And One Road", promoting the development of green technologies and industries of solid waste, and creating the most beautiful economic corridor. It will bring development opportunities and ecological dividends to participating countries. He pointed out that in recent years, guangdong province adheres to the general idea of "finding the bottom line, filling gaps, checking loopholes, pressing responsibilities, strict supervision and strong capacity", and keeps improving the systematization, scientific, legal, fine and information level of solid waste management. Guangdong province is committed to building "One Belt And One Road" strategic hub, economic cooperation center and important engine, constantly giving play to its regional advantages in "One Belt And One Road" construction, promoting technological innovation, management innovation and service innovation in the field of ecology and solid waste management, and promoting industrial projects to "bring in" and "go global". Shenzhen is one of "no waste pilot cities in our country, always adhere to the overall train of thought on the development of green low carbon, constantly improve the level of technology, management, service and innovation, strengthen the cooperation in the field of industry ecology, ecological civilization construction of sharing, hope that by hosting the event, to build communication between countries, political implication and docking results important platform.

In his speech, DEK Vimeanreaksmey said that the Chinese government attaches great importance to the infrastructure investment in the "One Belt And One Road" and has built ports, roads, railways and other facilities in asean countries including Cambodia. This activity is a manifestation of the cooperation between China and asean countries in environmental protection and resource recycling. The environmental departments of Cambodia and China have signed a memorandum of understanding on cooperation. China has provided Cambodia with a comprehensive environmental laboratory, personnel training and other support. Cambodia also hopes to learn from China to gain knowledge, skills and experience in environmental protection and solid waste recycling.

In the session of the special report, liu wei made a report entitled "multi-party cooperation to promote the win-win development of renewable metal industry innovation". He pointed out that the proportion of recycled metals in the whole non-ferrous metal industry has been increasing, with the production capacity of enterprises above the scale of recycled copper, recycled lead and recycled aluminum reaching 3.45 million tons, 7.35 million tons and 8.13 million tons respectively. He pointed out that China's recycled metal industry has three characteristics: first, the importance of recycled metal has been steadily increased, and the application of recycled metal has become the first choice of responsible enterprises; Second, with the adjustment of the policy of importing solid waste, the main supply of raw materials has shifted from abroad to China, with the imported raw materials gradually decreasing and the recovery of domestic raw materials rapidly increasing. Third, the characteristics of the renewable metal industry make win-win cooperation a mainstream trend. The distribution of industrial chains in different regions and countries at home and abroad determines the model of "domestic cooperation + international cooperation". We look forward to designing and issuing incentive policies at the industry level, and establishing a sound industrial fund and green financing channel.

"After nearly 20 years of development, China's renewable resources industry has gone from a fragmented and disorderly development in the 1990s that ignored the environment to a large-scale, technological, compliant and environmentally friendly development." Jian li pointed out in the report entitled "experience sharing and prospects of China's resource recycling and utilization industry" that China's renewable resources classification and dismantling technology is developing rapidly, and the equipment is cost-effective. Take dazheng aluminum as an example, the company has a full set of advanced aluminum alloy production technology and management experience accumulated from 70 years of Japanese daji aluminum industry, committed to the production of high-quality recycled aluminum alloy, the current annual capacity of 300,000 tons, annual output value of more than 5 billion yuan, output and export are among the best in China. Dazheng aluminum industry co., ltd. focuses on the recycling and recycling of waste aluminum. Through professional technology and equipment, it turns waste into treasure and builds the industrial chain of casting aluminum alloy products. As for the prospects, jianli pointed out that the achievements of dazheng aluminum have benefited from the rapid development of China's economy, the deep cooperation of the international industrial chain and the focus on the resource recycling industry. Facing the future, dazheng aluminium will follow the global trend of environmental protection, the response country initiative "area", adhere to the subsoil resources recycling industry chain, continue to deepen the waste aluminum closed-loop regeneration industry chain construction, participate in perfecting domestic aluminium scrap recycling channels, to play professional experience and ability, to actively participate in "neighbourhood" all the way to build the country's resources recycling industry industry cooperation.

In his report entitled "policy and practice of solid waste management in Korea", Mr Kim Shared with the participants the 4R policy and technology of solid waste in Korea.

Thailand natural resources and environment pollution control, environmental experts Chaiya Boonchit be titled "Thai solid waste management policy and challenge" report, analysis of the current situation of solid waste disposal in Thailand, hope to work together with Chinese colleagues to strengthen cooperation, promote the plastic and the reasonable disposal of electronic waste, further raising the level of disposal of renewable resources in Thailand.

On the morning of April 4, the theme of the first session of the sub-forum was "One Belt And One Road to jointly build national policies and development related to solid waste management". Representatives from brunei, Cambodia, Laos and Singapore Shared information on the current status, policies and future trends of solid waste management in their respective countries. Dong xin, foreign cooperation and exchange center of the ministry of ecology and environment, chaired the forum on the morning of April 4.

The representative pointed out that brunei had introduced relevant regulatory policies on solid waste management to promote and manage solid waste utilization, and that all enterprises and factories had to deal with the generated solid waste in accordance with the regulations. Authorities in brunei have also introduced standards and upgrading plans for solid waste treatment, with the aim of increasing public awareness of environmental protection. For example, the implementation of weekly e-waste recycling day and weekend shopping without plastic bags aims to raise public awareness of environmental protection and reduce waste generation per person per day.

The representative of Cambodia Shared his country's experience in solid waste management and recycling. Solid waste treatment in Cambodia is divided into landfill and recycling. As Cambodia's population grows and rural populations move into cities, there is not enough land for landfills and authorities are looking for new ones. At the same time, he admitted, Cambodia lacks a clear plan for waste regulation, which is mainly directed at reducing the production of solid waste, such as paying for disposable plastic bags.

The Lao representative briefed the delegates on the disposal of solid waste in the capital, vientiane. At present, in addition to landfill disposal, a part of the illegal dumping or open burning, causing serious impact on the environment. Laos has enacted laws and regulations, but due to the lack of technology for the disposal of solid waste, a large amount of waste is illegally dumped in drains and rivers, making it difficult to collect and classify household waste, resulting in low recycling rates and a lack of public awareness of waste classification. He said that in the long run, Laos should formulate a solid waste management strategy and regulations, formulate specific provisions for solid waste in the community, and involve local residents and public sectors to promote the disposal of solid waste.

Representative noted that in Singapore, Singapore's land area is narrow, treasure land, has been used in the treatment of solid waste landfill is established, but with fewer land resources, to landfills in 2035 is expected to saturation, therefore, pay attention to practice the recycling of solid waste in Singapore, technology innovation make the waste resources and at the same time to strengthen the land management of landfill.

On the morning of April 4, the second session of the sub-forum, experts representatives around the "China renewable industry practice sharing" and other topics for in-depth exchange.

Shenzhen lisai environmental protection technology co., LTD. Senior engineer peng chong introduced lisai technology on kitchen waste collection, transportation, disposal technology.

Yu xiangli, vice President of Dongjiang Environmental Company Limited, Shared his 20 years' experience in dealing with hazardous industrial waste in Dongjiang. He pointed out that as a leading enterprise in hazardous waste treatment, dongjiang environmental protection has long been committed to the research of industrial solid waste treatment technology, and has established more than 70 hazardous waste treatment bases throughout the country. At present, there are some problems in the treatment of hazardous waste in China. Second, the proportion of hazardous waste resources is low, the grade of resource products is low; Third, the standardization of hazardous waste incineration process has not been formed; Fourth, the intelligent management of hazardous waste treatment process has not been established. In view of the above problems, the environmental protection of dongjiang river should be solved from the following aspects: classification and separation of quality, increasing the research and development capacity of comprehensive utilization of resources and product upgrading technology, and establishing the key technological standards for hazardous waste incineration.

Zhang shengen, a professor at the university of science and technology Beijing, said in a report entitled "key technologies of aluminum secondary resource regeneration target component aluminum alloy" that the development of recycled aluminum is of great significance, to promote the recycling of aluminum resources, energy saving and emission reduction outstanding contribution, the upgrade of grade protection is the inevitable choice of the recycled aluminum industry. The social benefits of recycled aluminum are mainly reflected in three aspects: first, the technology of recycled aluminum industry is promoted to the international leading level; Second, to train scientific and technological talents in this field; Third, it got rid of the dependence on bauxite, alleviated the contradiction between demand and resources, protected the ecological environment, and had a broad application prospect.